Find Gold & Fossils

McAbee Fossil Beds
Bonnie Pryce

Gold Panning
Tranquille River is widely known as one of only three “18 carat creeks” in British Columbia, after originally found to be gold-bearing in 1852. Located only 25 minutes from Kamloops’ downtown core, Tranquille River is a sought-after location for gold panning with travelers known to have come from as far as Europe for the unique experience.
Please be aware that gold panning is prohibited on provincial heritage sites. Mineral exploration by individuals is prohibited on federal land, treaty settlement lands, Indigenous reservations, parks, conservancies, ecological reserves, and/or protected areas. Much of the Tranquille River area is included in the Lac du Bois Grasslands protected area and the Tranquille Ecological Reserve, meaning gold panning is not permitted.
To reach the Tranquille River gold panning site:
1. Use the map provided HERE and navigate to the end point out past the Kamloops Airport.
2. Turn right onto the dirt road where the map ends. This road leads to a parking lot and trailhead.
3. From the trailhead, access the river and start panning. Panning is permitted anywhere along the trail up to 1km, where an old dam is situated. NOTE: all areas above the dam are private claims and are off-limits for panning – don't be a claim-jumper!
Following the river downstream towards the lake is another option. Panning past the train bridge is prohibited; the land between the bridge and Kamloops Lake is private property.

McAbee Fossil Beds
Bonnie Pryce