March 7, 2025 by Tourism Kamloops

Your Kamloops Weekend Spring Getaway

Dallas-Barnhartvale Nature Park

Dylan Sherrard

We have curated the ultimate Spring getaway for those who want to explore the outdoors and discover events in Kamloops. Pack your things, and let us do the heavy lifting with this 2-day itinerary for your next adventure!

Rolling hills and mountains dotted with pine trees and sagebrush extend to the horizon.

Emily Anderson

A wild sheep stands on a rocky outcrop overlooking a river.

Battle Bluffs

Taylor Burk / @taylormichaelburk

A woman stands in a vineyard holding a glass of wine while she smiles at the camera.

Privato Vineyard & Winery

Royce Sihlis

A lush garden path leads to the winery tasting room.

Privato Vineyard & Winery

Rachel Lewis

People sit on stools at a bar overlooking a brightly lit wall of spirits.

Underbelly - By The Pig


A booth table is set with menus and two glasses of beer.



Two actors dressed in suits and trench coats sit onstage atop a pile of luggage.

Charlie Gallant & James MacDonald in The Woman in Black (Western Canada Theatre 2024)

Director: Kim Collier | Set Designer: Ken MacKenzie | Lighting Designer: John Webber

Costume Designer: Sabrina Stace | Sound Designer: Thomas Ryder Payne

Photo by Murray Mitchell

Two women stand on the green giving each other a high-five with a river and mountain behind them.

Tobiano Golf Course

Mary Putnam

Two women cheers their drinks together after a round of golf.

Tobiano Golf Course

Mary Putnam

A brunch spread is set out on a table, complete with coffee, water, milk, and several egg dishes.

The Chook Eatery

Bryan Peters Photography

A brightly painted pop-art mural prominently featuring a Model T Ford and the word "Historic."

Candace Hansma

A group of four people dine outside on a patio overlooking the city at sunset.

ROMEOs Kitchen + Spirits

Tamra Jaeger

Two women, each holding a wine glass, walk through a vineyard.

Privato Vineyard & Winery

Royce Sihlis

Two people on mountain bikes descend a grassy hill.

Kamloops Bike Ranch

Ollie Jones

A group of three cyclists take a selfie in front of a river.

Riverside Park

Dylan Sherrard

Two mountain bikers race down a steep hill as three friends cheer them on.

Kamloops Bike Ranch

Ben Verwey

A couple of cyclists on cruiser bikes laugh while riding.

Riverside Park

Dylan Sherrard

An aerial shot of people fishing off of a dock.

Edith Lake

Olsen Imaging

A crowd explores the merchandise at the gallery store.

Kamloops Art Gallery

Dylan Sherrard

A group of people examine clothing artifacts.

Kamloops Museum & Archives

Beth Taylor | OKGN Co

A herd of wild sheep graze on grass.

Katie Burrell TV

Is this your first visit to Kamloops? Feeling lost about where to start this season? Don't worry! Here are all of your frequently asked questions answered on activities in spring to make your weekend away go as smoothly as possible.

A Canadian Goose walks through a park.

Katie Burrell TV

A woman walks her dog on a hillside trail in bloom.

Peterson Creek

Jordan Fraser

Author: Tourism Kamloops

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