When local hiker, Tamra Jaeger, isn’t helping others as a nurse, she can be found capturing the sunrise from in and around Kamloops. Tamra gives insight into why she began hiking Kamloops’ trails and how her passion for photography ignited.
Meet Tamra
Tamra Jaeger - Hiking
I grew up 45km south of Kamloops in Merritt, so the Kamloops area was always familiar ground. After spending time in Finland, Alberta, and BC's Kootenays, my husband and I settled on a farm near Kamloops.
In my teens, distance running challenged me and provided a quiet escape, and now hiking has offered a similar experience. I love the solitude of hiking and seek it out to recharge and fuel my creativity. The unique landscape, the easy access, and quietness of the trails are what makes hiking in Kamloops special. My dogs Tikka and Sequoia are always close behind me to chase a sunset or sunrise.
Tamra Jaeger - Hiking
Being immersed in the visual arts space for 5 years, I purchased my first DSLR camera, which ignited a love of photography. It has given me a constant drive to capture new images, learn new skills, and has led me to start my own photography business. Photography is a creative outlet that pairs well with my love of the outdoors; complimenting each other on my daily adventures.
Tamra Jaeger - Hiking
You can find me on two of my favourite Kamloops trails; Dewdrop Trail, for a quiet hike with a rewarding view, and Battle Bluff, for an early sunrise hike. “Hiking makes me feel present in a moment. When you’re on a trail and you finally hit that summit, peak, or lake, it makes you stop and appreciate what you're doing and how fortunate you are to have access to trails like these. It re-centers you and re-energizes you.”
Tamra Jaeger - Hiking
For the photos and video featured, we hiked the Tom Moore Trail in Peterson Creek Nature Park. The trail network offers sweeping vistas of the city, rolling grasslands and canyon climbs; suitable for all levels of hikers. Peterson Creek has several easy access points at various elevations within Kamloops. The most notable trails include Grasslands Trail, a gravel trail with panoramic views of Kamloops; Xget’tem (pronounced ‘hawk-tum’) Trail, a wide, paved trail connecting downtown Kamloops with the Sahali neighbourhood uptown; and the Tom Moore Trail which stretches the length of the entire park.
Learn more about hiking in Kamloops.
See Tamra's photography collection.