A large component of our Kamera Krew campaign is about challenging visitors and locals alike to get out and be spontaneous! We thought the Visitor Centre would be the perfect spot to intercept some travellers on their journey and challenge them to spend a few hours with us in downtown Kamloops. It was a beautiful sunny day to show off Riverside Park as we enjoyed a walk along the Rivers Trail followed by a quick tour of the Old Courthouse and a stroll down Victoria St. The Downtown Spring Festival happened to be taking place so there were live music entertainers, games, side walk sales and many other things happening. We ended up at The Commodore for an amazing lunch - Caroline asked what was a traditional Canadian drink so of course, we had to introduce her to a Caesar! Although it's an acquired taste for many, it was love at first sip! for Caroline. After lunch, we made our way back to Riverside Park to send them on their way to Wells Gray Provincial Park but not without a stop at Scoopz Ice Cream Parlour!
A huge shoutout to Charlie and Caroline for being such good sports and being up for anything! It was a blast meeting you and we look forward to welcoming you back to Kamloops in the future.