Tourism Kamloops will be attending three consumer shows in 2016 on behalf of the destination.
Feb: The Vancouver Golf Show. We are joining forces with Golf Kamloops in a 10x20 booth to showcase our region’s amazing golf courses, packages and après golf activities.
March: The Vancouver Outdoor Show. We’ll be attending this show on our own; however we will be strategically placed next to Tourism Sun Peaks to showcase our region. The focus at this show will be heavily geared towards the amazing outdoor experiences offered in Kamloops such as mountain biking (will bring our new maps), hiking, paddling, etc.
March: The Seattle Bike Show. In partnership with Tourism Sun Peaks & Silverstar Resort, we will attend the bike show to showcase the remarkable mountain biking in our region. This is a niche audience and has very well for us in the past.
Each year, we attend multiple different shows such as the Vancouver Motorcycle Show, Edmonton Kids Show, West Coast Women’s Show, etc. and have generally had a good experience at each (especially when the focus is more niche as we are interacting with a very targeted audience). For 2016, the decision to attend the three shows above came down to collaborative opportunities, budget and an enhanced scope on strategic tactics for 2016.
If you have a business, product or idea in which you feel could enhance our presence at the shows above, please don’t hesitate to contact me.