~For Immediate Release~
November 1, 2011
2011 August Accommodation Tax Revenue in Kamloops up 34.3% over 2010.
Kamloops, BC: Tourism Kamloops is reporting a 34.3% increase in 2011 accommodation tax revenues for August over last year’s August numbers.
The latest accommodation tax revenue report for August has just been released and when calculated into year-to-date numbers, Kamloops has seen an average 17.5% increase over the same period in 2010.
This summer, Kamloops hosted the Kamloops Invitational Soccer Tournament, Watchtower Conventions, Western Canada Summer Games, and the Canadian Harley Owners Group. “The foresight and efforts by the City of Kamloops and the community to make these events a reality cannot be understated.” says Lee Morris, CEO. “The Arts, Culture and Heritage sector of the tourism industry continues to provide outstanding entertainment for the attendees of these events.”
Tourism Kamloops attributes the overall increase in part to an ongoing economic recovery, sport tourism, and tactical marketing by Tourism Kamloops to our markets.
For More Information:
Ms. Lee Morris CEO
Tourism Kamloops
P: 250.319.4247